How to Record POS Daily Sales In WorkingPoint
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This week in Support, a subscriber asked a really great question: What is the best way to enter daily sales data from a POS system into WorkingPoint? If you manage your retail sales in a point-of-sale (POS) system, you maybe asking the same question.
Recording your daily sales in WorkingPoint is easy. Follow these simple steps to keep your inventory, sales totals and cash up-to-date:
1) Create a Contact to Track Your Retail Sales
By creating a single contact to track all of your POS activity, you will be able view the sales history all in one place.
2) Create an Invoice to Record Each Day’s Sales Activity
Most POS systems provide you with a Z sales reports. The Z report is the final report of the day. It provides you all of your sales information and resets your POS system so its ready to capture the next days sales. Using this report, create an invoice to capture your sales activity for the day.
Use your items in WorkingPoint to track sales of individual items. This is important if you track inventory: by selecting individual items you can manage accurate inventory levels easily with WorkingPoint. If you don’t track inventory, consider using items that are organized per service so you can track sales categories still. At the minimum, you can lump your sales into a single “Retail Sales” item for non-taxable sales and another for taxable sales so you can accurately capture your sales and sales tax liability.
3) Compare your totals in WorkingPoint to your Z Report.
Once you have added all of your items, discounts, additional charges, compare your invoice totals to your Z report. If they match, move on to receiving payments. If not, find any discrepancies and correct where needed.
4) Receive Payments By Payment Method to the Invoice.
Use Receive Payments on the invoice to record the actual payments received. For example, if you received check payments, enter the total of your check payments as one receive payments entry (You can record each check if you want), enter the total cash you received as another Receive Payments action, same with credit cards, etc.
After all the payments have been received, your invoice balance should be zero and the status Paid in Full.
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