5 Things to Remember when Using WorkingPoint’s Basic (Free) Plan
Topic: Bills and Expense Tracking,Inventory Management,Managing Your Business,Online Company Profile,Tips & Tricks | Comments (3)
Recently, a WorkingPoint User posed the following question to me: “Can you please list the top 5 things to remember [when] using the basic program.” I thought, “What a great question!” And I also thought you may want to read my response:
1) It is Free. And it’s Basic.
You may find that you will want to upgrade later to get access to the premium features.2) Create a Company Profile
This is the easiest way to help market your business (again) for free. A Company Profile is a great way to keep people connected with your business and find you online by helping boost the ability for search engines to find you by leaving a longer digital breadcrumb trail. If you already have a website, add the URL to the Profile and you just boosted the search-ability of your main web site too.3) Record Your Bills and Expenses Regularly
We don’t usually have to be reminded to create an invoice – heck, it’s how our customers know its time to pay us – but keeping track of our bills and expenses is usually something we put off doing. My advice – manage your bills and expenses as often as is realistic for you and your business schedule.Keeping up on entering your bills and recording receipts – for lunches or supplies and other reimbursements – will give better insight into your spending habits by letting you take advantage of the insightful dashboard widgets (like the Expenses to Date chart, the Profit and Loss graph) not to mention Who Do I Owe? and important financial reports like the Income Statement, all of which help you make good decisions for your business.
4) Track Your Inventory in WorkingPoint
If you sell products and keep them in stock, take advantage of the inventory feature in WorkingPoint. It will help you track the average cost of your goods and record the cost of goods sold when you invoice for products automatically. Just remember to add inventory through bills when you purchase products and sell them using the invoice and WorkingPoint will pretty much take care of the rest. Inventory management doesn’t get much easier than this.5) Get Help When You Need It
If you have a question about what something is or how to do it in WorkingPoint, you may find the answer on the page your using – click a bubble icon to get more info or take a look at the page help.If you don’t find your answer there, click Help in the upper right-hand corner of your account. There are a lot of great step-by-step instructions there along with some good examples of what things are and how to use them in WorkingPoint.
If you’re still stuck, contact Support and we’ll help you.
And this top 5 is just the tip of the iceberg, I could have gone on and on. Our Basic (Free) plan has a lot more features that make managing a business a breeze. If you are considering WorkingPoint for you company, check out our account plans and see which one fits your needs.