Introducing WorkingPoint Company Profiles
Let customers and other businesses easily find and contact you online
Your WorkingPoint Profile is an easy to manage online listing for your company. You can keep it simple with just your contact information or include the latest from your blog, Yelp, or Twitter.
” title=”Create my account”>Put your business on the Web and manage it with WorkingPoint
Use your WorkingPoint Company Profile in many ways:
- Don’t have a website? Use your WorkingPoint Profile as a way to start appearing in Google and other searches. Your custom profile URL is easy to remember and share:
- Already have a website? Link to it from WorkingPoint to enhance your SEO and drive more traffic to your site.
- Get in touch with customers and prospects. Profile messaging lets you receive inquiries from customers and prospects without revealing your email address.
- Find other WorkingPoint companies. Search for other members of WorkingPoint and get in touch using profile messaging.
- Put a face on your business. Your people are your business. Include photos and bios and make a personal connection with customers and prospects.
- Be a part of the WorkingPoint community. Use the “status note” to update people with the latest news from your business, and watch for more ways to engage with the community.